3.5. state

This section defines what the model state looks like, both in terms of the state variables (statedef section) and the horizontal/vertical grid (hzgrid / vtgrid sections). The specifics of what is in each subsections may include additional parameters, depending on the stateio class being used (but everything is currently identical for the two builtin state I/O classes provided by default.)

File Specification Format

Wherever the filevar type is used in the sections below, the following format is used to define which file and variable name the data is pulled from.:

{file: file_name, variable: variable_name}


The following parameters are available regardless of which state I/O class is selected. Additional parameters, described in subsequent sections here, will be required depending on which state I/O class is selected.


type: string, required

The name of the I/O class used to handle the state.

Currently, UMD-LETKF has two built-in classes that can be used, additional stateio can be implemented by the user. The following options are available:

  • stateio_grib - Handles state I/O through grib2 formatted files. Word of caution: this has not been well tested yet! But it should work, I think. Only available if built with the -DLETKF_ENABLE_GRIB=ON option.
  • stateio_nc - Handles state I/O through NetCDF formatted files.

type: hzgrid required

The definitions of the horizontal grid(s).


type: statedef required

The definitions of the state variables.


type: boolean, default: false

Sets if diagnostic information is printed to the console.

If true, diagnostic information indicating which processor is responsible for reading or writing which file will be displayed.


type: vtgrid required

The definitions of the vertical grid(s).


  class: stateio_nc
  verbose: true

3.5.1. hzgrid

One or more horizontal grid specification(s) are given by defining how to read the latitude, longitude, and optional mask. Each grid will have the following parameters.


Currently only one horizontal grid can be specified. Although models often produce some variables on a staggered grid, you can still use the lat/lon of the grid center, and assuming the localization radius is not too small, this limitation should make very little difference.


In the following parameters for the horizontal grid specification, at least one (or both) of the 1d and 2d set of parameters needs to be defined for latitude and longitude.


type: string, required

A unique name for the horizontal grid.

The exact name doesn’t really matter, but it is referenced in the subsequent statedef sections for assigning a horizontal grid to each state variable.


type: filevar

Specifies the 2D latitude grid, in degrees.


type: filevar

Specifies the 1D latitude grid, in degrees.

The latitude for each row of the grid will be identical. If lat2d is specified as well, lat1d will only be used as the nominal latitude for the output files. It will not be used to determine lat/lon for each grid-point in the LETKF algorithm.


type: filevar

Specifies the 2D longitude grid, in degrees.


type: filevar

Specifies the 1D longitude grid, in degrees.

The longitude for each column of the grid will be identical. If lon2d is specified as well, lon1d will only be used as the nominal longitude for the output files. It will not be used to determine lat/lon for each grid-point in the LETKF algorithm.


type: filevar, (optional)

Specifies the optional mask.

The mask is optional, but can increase the UMD-LETKF speed in domains such as the ocean where land points should skipped over. For the input data, grid-points with values of 0.0 are masked out and not used.


In the following example, a single horizontal grid named hz1 is specified, the latitude, longitude, and mask of the grid are obtained from the appropriate variables of the grid/ocean.hgrid.nc file.

  - name: hz1
    lat2d: {file: grid/ocean.hgrid.nc, variable: geolat}
    lon2d: {file: grid/ocean.hgrid.nc, variable: geolon}
    lat1d: {file: grid/ocean.hgrid.nc, variable: lath}
    lon1d: {file: grid/ocean.hgrid.nc, variable: lonh}
    mask:  {file: grid/ocean.hgrid.nc, variable: wet}

3.5.2. vtgrid

Definitions for depth/height information of the vertical grid(s) are specified here. One or more sets of vertical grids can be defined.



type: string, required

A unique name for the vertical grid.

The exact name doesn’t really matter, but it is referenced in the subsequent statedef sections for assigning a vertical grid to each state variable.


not yet implemented


type: filevar

Vertical coordinates for a column that don’t vary in the horizontal direction.


not yet implemented


not yet implemented


vert1d can also use a constant value specification for now, see the following example. This is needed for surface fields, and is a temporary work around until the vert0d parameter is implemented.


In the following example one vertical grid named vt1 is specified for the 3D variables, and another vt_surf is specified with a constant value (surface) for the surface only variables

  - name: vt1
    vert1d: {file: Vertical_coordinate.nc, variable: Layer}
  - name: vt_surf
    vert1d: {constant: 0.0}

3.5.3. statedef

This section defines one or more state variables. It defines what the state variables are that should be read and written by UMD-LETKF, which grid specification they use, and if there are any optional bounds checking on the final state value or the analysis increment that is applied to the background.

Filename String Placeholders

The input and output parameters below can use special placeholders in the filename string that get replaced at run-time.

  • #ENSX# This placeholder is replaced with the ensemble number (starting at 1), padded with zeros to ensure the number is of length X. This can also be replaced with mean or sprd for the ensemble mean and spread output files.
  • #TYPE# This placeholder is replaced with either ana or bkg if the output file is for the analysis or background.

As an example, the specification string ocn.#TYPE#.#ENS4#.nc will be used to generate the following files ocn.bkg.mean.nc, ocn.bkg.sprd.nc, ocn.ana.mean.nc, ocn.ana.sprd.nc, ocn.ana.0001.nc, ocn.ana.0002.nc, ocn.ana.0003.nc, ...



type: string, required

A unique name for the state variable.

The exact name doesn’t really matter, but it may be referenced in other sections of the configuration (such as localization)


type: string, required

The name of the horizontal grid to use from the hzgrid section of the configuration file.

The x/y dimensions of the input data given below must match the dimensions given for the specified horizontal grid.


type: string, required

The name of the vertical grid to use from the vtgrid section of the configuration file.

The z dimension of the input data given below must match the dimensions given for the specified vertical grid.


type: filevar, required

The file and variable name of per-ensemble background data.

Each ensemble member is assumed to be in a separate file, and so the input filename should use the #ENSX# placeholder. (See Filename String Placeholders)


type: filevar, required

The file and variable name of the per-ensemble, and mean/spread data.

Each ensemble member is assumed to be in a separate file, and so the output filename should used the #ENSX# and #TYPE# placeholders (see Filename String Placeholders). In addition to the analysis per-ensemble output, this handles the mean and spread output files for the analysis and background.


type: float[2], (optional)

The bounds to which the final analysis should be clamped.


type: float, (optional)

The maximum absolute value allowed for the analysis increment.

Any increment with an absolute value greater than this will be clamped (respecting the original sign of the increment).


  - name: ocn_s
    hzgrid: hz1
    vtgrid: vt1
    ana_bounds: [0, 50.0]
    ana_inc_max: 2
    input:  {variable: salt, file: "ocn.bkg.#ENS4#.nc"}
    output: {variable: salt, file: "ocn.#TYPE#.#ENS4#.nc"}
  - name: ocn_ssh
    hzgrid: hz1
    vtgrid: vt_surf
    input:  {variable: ssh, file: "ocn.bkg.#ENS4#.nc"}
    output: {variable: ssh, file: "ocn.#TYPE#.#ENS4#.nc"}