3.3. observation

Parameters for specifying how the observations are read in, or how synthetic test observations are generated, are controlled under this section. The exact contents of this configuration section depends on which I/O class is used.


The following parameters are available regardless of which observation reader class is selected. Additional parameters, described in subsequent sections here, will be required depending on which localization class is selected.


type: string, required

The name of the observation I/O class to use.

Currently, the UMD-LETKF has three built-in classes. Additional classes may be implemented by the user. The following options are available, and their specific configuration requirements are described in the following sections.

  • obsio_ioda - Provides the ability to read observation files in the JEDI IODA format from the JEDI hofx application.
  • obsio_nc - A generic NetCDF4 file reader.
  • obsio_test - Generates synthetic observations from a specified increment value.


If you’re hooking up your model to the UMD-LETKF for the first time, you’re best bet is to use the obsio_test reader first (to make sure everything else is hooked up correctly), before trying the obsio_nc or obsio_ioda readers with real observations.

Filename Ensemble Placeholder

Some of the classes below require filenames for the per-ensemble member observation input. In these cases the #ENSX# placeholder can be used within the string of the filename. It is replaced with the ensemble member number (starting at 1), padded with zeros to ensure the number is X digits long. For example sst_obs.#ENS4#.nc will be substituted as sst_obs.0001.nc, sst_obs.0002.nc, …

Observation and Platform Names

The observation I/O classes require that names are given for different observations and platforms. These can be set to whatever the user wants, and their use can be considered optional. The exact name is not important, but may be referenced by other sections of the configuration (such as localization). As a general reference, the observation type should reflect which variable is observed (e.g. ocn_sst, ocn_t) and the platform type can reflect either specific platforms (e.g viirs, avhrr) or a general satellite vs. insitu. Hopefully this will make more sense when seen how it is used in the localization section.


The observation and platform names should be short, with a 10 character max.

The following documentation describes the observation reader classes that are available for use.

3.3.1. obsio_ioda

This observation I/O class can be used to read observation operator output files from the Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI) based applications. Files are in the IODA NetCDF format. (More of an explanation about this will likely be added once the JEDI repositories are made public.) Currently only the hofx or hofx3d applications are supported, not the enshofx. (Odds are you will be wanting to use the hofx3d application only anyway).


Efficient distribution of the read operations across PEs has not been implemented for this class. Large operational size datasets might be a little slow until this is fixed.



type: ioda_file list, required

This section contains a list of files that should be loaded, each with the following parameters:

ioda_file Parameters

Each set of ioda files to be read requires the following parameters:


type: string, required

The base name of the file to read.

The notation of the Filename Ensemble Placeholder should be used since there should be separate files for each individual ensemble member. Also, JEDI applications currently produce output files for each PE of the application, so the filename given will automatically try appending the appropriate _0001.nc, _0002.nc, ... suffixes.


type: list of array(s), required

For each desired variable in the input file, an array is given with three values that have the following meaning:

  1. observation name - see Observation and Platform Names
  2. platform name - see Observation and Platform Names
  3. variable name as given in the IODA observation file


  class: obsio_ioda
  - file: mem#ENS1#/sst.out
    - [ocn_sst, sst_viirs, sea_surface_temperature]
  - file: mem#ENS1#/insitu.out
    - [ocn_s, insitu, sea_water_salinity]
    - [ocn_t, insitu, sea_water_temperature]

3.3.2. obsio_nc

The NetCDF reader will read in two types of files. The first is the main observation file given by the filename_obs parameter below and the format of which is described by Observation File Format. This file provides each observation type, location, and value. The second set of files are the per-ensemble member observation operator files, given by the filename_obshx parameter below and the format of which is described by Observation H(x) File Format.


Although the configuration here allows for observation data that is common across all ensemble members to be specified in a separate filename_obs file, they do not have to be. All observation data could be in the per-ensemble member filename_obshx files. In this case, observation files should contain all the data required by both the Observation H(x) File Format and Observation File Format specs, and the filename_obs should simply point to one of the ensemble files.



type: string, required

The name of the observation file to read in.

The expected contents of this NetCDF file are specified by Observation File Format.


type: string, required

The name of the per-ensemble observation operator file.

The Filename Ensemble Placeholder should be used to read in each individual ensemble member file. The expected contents of this file are specified by Observation H(x) File Format.


type: list of obsplat_def, required

Provides a mapping from the integer values of the observation type in the NetCDF file with a human readable name. See also Observation and Platform Names.


type: list of obsplat_def, required

Provides a mapping from the integer values of the platform type in the NetCDF file with a human readable name. See also Observation and Platform Names.


type: boolean, required

If true, the values given in the per-ensemble member files are given as increments, \(y^o - h(x)\), otherwise they are taken as the direct output of an observation operator, \(h(x)\).

obsplat_def Parameters

These parameters are required for the obsdef and platdef sections of obsio_nc and are used to associate a human readable name with the integer id that is stored in the NetCDF file


type: string

Name of the observation or platform. Note the advice of Observation and Platform Names


type: integer

The integer value in the NetCDF file.


type: string

Optional description of the observation or platform type. Not needed by UMD-LETKF other than for the sanity of the user.


  class: obsio_nc
  - name: ocn_t
    id:   2210
    description: "ocean insitu temperature (C)"
  - name: ocn_s
    id:   2220
    description: "ocean salinity (PSU)"
  - name: ocn_prf
    id:   1
    description: "all insitu obs"
  - name: ocn_sat
    id:   1000
    description: "all satellite based obs"
  filename_obs:   obs.nc
  filename_obshx: "obs.#ENS4#.nc"
  read_inc: false Observation File Format

The NetCDF file containing observation data needs to contain the following dimensions and variables of the same name. An example file can be found in the test data for UMD-LETKF.


I realize the variable “depth” is required and that that “height” is not a valid option. Since UMD-LETKF was started for ocean DA, this will be addressed once non-ocean localization classes are implemented.


obs:Number of observations in the file


All variables here are of size obs


type: float

The depth of the observation in meters.


type: float

The standard deviation of the observation error


type: float

The time offset (in hours) from the analysis time. Only actually used if temporal localization is used.


type: float

Latitude in degrees


type: float

Longitude in degrees


type: integer

The observation id. See obsplat_def


type: integer

The platform id. See obsplat_def


type: integer

Quality control flag. Observation is used by UMD-LETKF only if qc is zero.


type: float

The value of the observation. Observation H(x) File Format

The NetCDF file containing per-ensemble member observation operator data needs to contain the following dimensions and variables of the same name. An example file can be found in the test data for UMD-LETKF.


obs:Number of observations in the file.


All variables here are of size obs


type: float

The value of the observation operator from a single ensemble member background. This can either contain the value (\(h(x)\)), or the observation increment (\(y^o-h(x)\)), depending on the value of read_inc in obsio_nc

3.3.3. obsio_test

This observation I/O class can be used to generate synthetic observations from the state background mean using a specified increment. This method can be useful when wanting to perform a quick single-obs test, bypassing the need to generate observation files. Test observations can only be generated directly from the state background (i.e. the identity observation operator is used.)



This section contains an array of arrays (see the example below if that doesn’t make sense). Each observation specification contains an array of nine values, in the following order

  1. observation_id - A string reflecting the type of observation (see Observation and Platform Names).
  2. platform_id - A string reflecting the type of platform (see Observation and Platform Names).
  3. state_variable - The state variable that this observation is generated from. The value given must be one of the name of one of the state variables given in the state.statedef section.
  4. latitude - in degrees
  5. longitude - in degrees
  6. depth/height - The value in the vertical coordinate. If this observation is being generated from a 2D surface state field then the depth/height here is ignored.
  7. time - the time offset (in hours) from the analysis time. This value is only used if temporal localization is enabled.
  8. increment - The value of this observation will be generated as the increment plus the background
  9. error - standard deviation of the observation error


This example generates two observations from the background temperature, both with an observation increment of 1 degree and observation error of 0.2 degree.

  class: obsio_test
  - [ocn_sst, satellite, ocn_t, 20.0, -140.0,  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2]
  - [ocn_t,   insitu,    ocn_t, 25.0, -162.0, 10.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2]