3. ConfigurationΒΆ

All configuration of UMD-LETKF is done through a single YAML configuration file. The UMD-LETKF, when run, will by default look for a configuration file in the same directory named letkf.yaml. Or, a different file can be specified on the command line

./letkfdriver <somefile.yaml>

An introduction to the YAML format can be found here.


In some places the UMD-LETKF does not perform extensive error checking on the configuration file, meaning an improperly defined configuration file might result in cryptic messages and crash. If you come across this, please let me know as I am slowly trying to make sure all yaml misconfigurations produce helpful error messages.

Each of the major sections of the configuration file are described below. Each main section is required, though within a section specific parameters may be optional.